Pro Shake

With our PRO SHAKE machine, making ice-cold protein shakes is child's play. Its handling is convenient and fast.
By using our automated machine, you can enjoy high-quality, precisely dosed, tasty protein drinks in just a few seconds.


- 5 product containers
- 10.1" LCD touch screen control
- Powerful and fast mixer motors
- Making drinks with water or milk
- Fast and hygienic drink preparation (20 seconds / drink)
- Automatic flushing system
- Large capacity drip tray with water level sensor
- A++ energy class dry cooling unit
- Wi-Fi, NFC, RFID communication option
- Privilege levels in the management of machine settings (user, owner, admin)
- Standby mode to save energy
- LED illuminated cup holder cup detection sensor
- Machine body made of acid-resistant stainless steel plate
- Size: 450x900x470 mm
- Weight: 50 kg

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A Valdo GROUP egy 3 évtizedes tapasztalattal rendelkező, saját fejlesztésű, teljesen
automata, asztali kávé- és hidegital gépeket gyártó és forgalmazó magyar vállalkozás.

A Valdo Group csoport tagjai

Valdo Cafe System Kft. (Magyarország)
Valdo Technic Industrial Solutions Kft. (Magyarország)
Valdo Technic Swiss GmbH (Svájc)
Valdo International d.o.o. (Szlovénia)
Valdo Cafe Slovakia s.r.o. (Szlovákia)
Valdo Cafe Systeme s.r.o. (Csehország)
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